Affected by the Moon


No I’m not a werewolf or any other wild and weird creature but I am someone who feels the pull of the moon, whose ability to cope with life is influenced by the lunar cycles.

All of us know that the moon drives the oceans tides and as we’re mainly made up of water why not us as well.


The ancient calendars (Greek, Roman and Chinese year) were created based on the 12 cycles of the moon (354 days), occasionally a 13th cycle was added to keep the lunar year in line with the seasons. If you divide a lunar cycle into four you’ll get the the number seven which is the bases upon our week is built.

How I’m Affected

So what actually happens for me personally when its a full moon, first of all there are different strengths of the full moon so it depends on which type of full moon it is as to how badly it effects me.

  1. My sleep patterns become erratic.

  2. My coordination is something I lose control of.

  3. Putting sentences together can be difficult.

  4. My memory fails me and I struggle with recalling details.

  5. I’m clumsy.

  6. Decision making is harder than normal.

  7. As an artist I have found I make artistic choices that I wouldn’t normally make, some are exciting new directions and some are poor choices with many art pieces ruined.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to ignore the lunar cycles and to make myself ignorant of them in the hope that the affects are purely physiological, but when things get a little weird for me and I check the calendar, yup there it is, a full moon again.

Our Relationship with Nature

I live in the United Kingdom and when I look back through historical folk lore, stories, pagan rites, myths and legends it’s full of healers, soothsayers, witches, wizards and old religions based on natural events, seasonal cycles measuring the passing of time by the cycle of the moon.

We used to be so much more in tune with Mother Nature, we led our lives in harmony with her, danced to the beat of her heart. Planting, fertility, celebrations etc all became possible because of the structure of the lunar cycles. This is no surprise when in ancient times the moon was the only light at night and always visible to the naked eye, no wonder some worshiped it.

Harming that which sustains us

As we’ve slipped further and further away from our relationship with nature and the coexistence with the non human populace of this planet we’ve spiralled into harmful and destructive life styles, slowly killing the very planet that gives us life.

We all go through life at such a pace now that we don’t stop and breath, we don’t take the opportunity to take in the beauty that is around us, we put so much focus into moving forward and developing what is best for mankind that we forget to look back at the trail of destruction and desolation we’re leaving behind us.

No matter if you care or don’t care, give a dam or not, we will all pay the price in the end when Mother Nature decides enough is enough.

Research and Facts

Internet search percentages.

  1. Up to 60% of the human body is water.

  2. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water.

  3. The lungs are about 83% water.

  4. The skin contains 64% water.

  5. Muscles and kidneys are 79% water.

  6. The bones contain 31% water.

I’ve done some research and it turns out I’m not alone, there are werewolves out there like me….. only kidding, but seriously there are others affected by the moon in various degree of ways, I’ll add a link below to share some of my findings.

Royal Museums Greenwich

Final Words

There are those who feel global warming is a conspiracy, there are those who feel that their own self preservation outweighs anyone else’s needs.

The world is definitely divided in to the “haves and have nots” with further sub divisions based on race, colour, sexual orientation, geographic location, ability and understanding.

I’m not here to judge, I have no power to impact the change that’s required, I couldn’t possibly have the knowledge required to advise on the right course of action, but I am a guy who feels the pull of the moon and hears the occasional heart beat from Mother Nature.

If I had a magic wish it would be that we all took a breath and truly considered everyone when making decisions, that we respected that every living breathing thing on this planet has an equal right to exist. 

Importantly we need to grow to understand that just because we walk on two legs and have the ability to talk does not make what we do right.

Do I feel there is a solution to the problem, yes there definitely is but its to radical to be even be considered.

Ceri Griffiths

Ceri Griffiths (aka Ceri the Crafter) is considered by some as the new kid to the Arts and Crafts world, although he has been creative his whole life.

Ceri has a successful Youtube channel for his artistic journey where he loves to share his tutorials, experiences, and promote others within the creative community.


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